mommy thoughts

Ok, so I'm spending all this time reading other peoples' Ethiopia adoption blogs and getting SO EXCITED and then I realize that I need to appreciate where I am this moment... so here I am, appreciating. Joe asked me today, if I was happy. Kind of an ironic question after I finished complaining about Mason's neverending tantrums and my caffeine headache. But REALLY happy??? YES, YES! What a fun time we're in. I am so excited about the adoption, and about giving Mason someone way more energetic than me to play with, and embarking on this crazy adventure together as a family that will sometimes be so hard but will most often be so amazing... And I'm just enjoying my son, and my amazing husband, and my friends, and the fact that I get to be a stay-at-home mom and be present for all the little daily miracles...

So today's miracle... we're driving up 17-92, I'm concentrating on 9 am traffic, Mason's babbling in the backseat... "Buh, buh...buh, Buh, BUH!" Finally I realize he's pointing out the window to the BIG GREEN BUS driving next to us... seriously? You are that smart? I don't ever remember pointing out a bus! We talk about cars, trucks, bicycles ("KI-kul"), motorcycles... but not busses. What a genius. Maybe it's a coincidence. Then after 2 or 3 minutes we pass another bus, this one your typical yellow school bus. He repeats,"buh, buh"... IT'S OFFICIAL! HE IS A GENIUS!

There are other indications but for now I won't bore you. I'll just bask in the glow, radiating my warm, fuzzy, mommy happiness...


Anonymous said…
He's so precious! And, of course, a genius!
I love you all, and am so thankful that I get to spend as much time with you guys as I do. It's the best!

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