"Why are you talking?"

Ok, so we've got both feet firmly planted in the "Why?" stage. Joe tends to only answer so many why questions, and then cuts Mason off. I tend to answer probably more than I should... I feel like I need to encourage natural curiosity, develop in my children a love of learning, blah blah blah.

So Mason asked this morning about the dog on his sippy cup (the same sippy cup he's now had for two years)..."Why dis dog have so many legs?". I launched into an explanation of how God gave dogs 4 legs, and people only have two legs. I questioned him about the number of legs various animals have. Cows? Chickens? Tuggie and Pappy's dog Annie? oh, and remember the penguins we saw at Sea World, the ones with only one leg? Blah blah blahbapityblah, until finally Mason says, "Mommy, why are you talking about legs?" The only part of this question I really hear is, "Why are you talking?" Good question, son.


Anonymous said…
You have two beautiful sons! Thanks for sharing your life with us :)!
Lindsey said…
hilarious!! you got scolded by a toddler - that's just funny.
Jenny said…
I love the top picture of Mason with his hands out opened up...and can just hear "why?"
Anonymous said…
pictures say a thousand and one words.
why do people use that saying?
can't a picture say more than a thousand words?
why do pictures talk?
why are you still talking?

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