Dear Levi,

Mason was "reading" a plaque that we have up in Levi's room today. Apparently the plaque says,
Dear Levi,
I love you. Good gracious, you are wonderful. I will keep you forever. You are a good boy. Amen.


amykovacs said…
Oh my, how cute! Linnaea is looking at your blog with me and is able to name all the members of your family without me asking!
Korri said…
LOVED the plaque reading! Sounds like you guys are having a terrific time together! We related so well to the photo montage about trying to take a good photo with two goodness! Especially the getting them together and smiling at the same time. Sometimes the kids tease me and actually hug each other or hold hands or put their arms around the other ones shoulders, and don't you know that I NEVER have a camera in these moments!!!!
Miss you guys,

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