In November...

I have been wanting to share this story this since November but time seems to get away from me somehow... something to do with having three kids...

So in early November we did the book "Duck for President" and learned about government and elections. In honor of the Presidential elections we had our very own election... not to decide the next President, but the even more compelling question of who would get to choose the plans for the next Family Fun Night.


This was a bit of a rash decision on my part... sometimes when we are learning together I decide to do an extra activity on the spur of the moment... usually this works well, sometimes it doesn't go so well. I was afraid that this election, like the other, would degenerate into hurt feelings, name-calling, and toddler-like temper tantrums. Thankfully my boys are (mostly) much better behaved than Washington politicians and we had an amazing experience!
We learned about persuasive writing as the boys had to prepare their own speeches, from rough draft through to final, and then had to work on delivering that speech to an audience (luckily a loving family is a great first audience)!
The boys worked on some marketing skills when they made their own campaign posters ;)
Most of all, they learned some important character lessons... supporting each other, staying positive towards an opponent in a competition, and accepting both winning and losing with grace. This is where I was most concerned. Mason was very invested in this election for days, excited, nervous, mostly sure he would win... and he didn't. When the winner was announced, he immediately exclaimed "Good job, Levi!", then came and sat quietly by me and cried a few quiet tears. He was disappointed for a day or so, then got on board with the rest of our excitement about Family Fun Day. It really was one of the best nights out we've had as a family in a while. I am so proud of my boys!

* the boys chose their own clothes for their speeches ;)


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