night routine

I just need to record these things for my mommy brain; some of these things you think you will never forget and then the stage ends and the memory fades...
This two year old loves his routines. Especially his night routine.
Every night we read books to all the boys together, and then Joe takes the big boys back to tuck them in with Bible stories and prayers, and I take Micah to his room for the final wind-down. He picks out one or two (or three) stuffed animals and a few Curious George books and we cuddle into his rocking chair with his cup of milk. After I read and he finishes his milk, one of the stuffed animals gets to turn out the light, and then they all climb into the crib (no bed freedom for my boys until it's absolutely necessary!) Then he has to be covered up with as many blankets as we can find no matter the temperaure (he asks for "five", which for him just means a LOT), and the stuffed animals need to be tucked in, too.
Then :"Wub my head, Mommy."
So I rub that sweet little head with that soft, fine hair and he babbles on about whatever he can think of that is silly and sometimes I am just so tired I want to stop and sneak out of the room... but I think of my friend Shital who lost her sweet baby boy and I just keep rubbing that sweet little head. One day he will want his privacy and he might just tolerate my touches, so for now I drink it in because my children are so very precious and we are so very, very blessed.


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