the Three Wishes Story

We are raising three boys and sometimes I confess that they are still an absolute mystery to me. I have determined that some things are absolutely true... Noise is good. Crazy faces, dirt, wrestling, full-body contact, potty humor, weapons, bad guys and superheroes... these are all good and desirable in this boy world. Cuddling is sometimes appropriate but only in short bursts. And talking... there is lots of talking but most of it consists of the aforementioned topics.  Of which I tire easily.
So... how's a momma to plumb the depths of her son's heart when all he wants to talk about are battles and belches?
I've discovered a secret method that works very well for our boys.
I call it the Three Wishes Story. There is little variation in my part of the story but they don't care, because they get to add their part and that part is the most interesting of all, anyways.

Here's an example of the story.
"Once upon a time there was a 7 year old boy. This boy was so smart, and so handsome, and very funny, and he had big beautiful brown eyes and smooth chocolate skin. He was almost always very kind, and he always had a wonderful heart. This boy had a mommy and a daddy who always, no matter what, loved him very very much. And this boy had a God who always, no matter what, loved him perfectly.
So, one day this boy set out on a journey. He was walking along (insert interesting scene... last night it was a dusty desert road in an old cowboy town) when suddenly along the path came a (insert magical animal; last night it was a rainbow colored horse with 16 legs and a mane as long as Mississippi). This magical creature approached the boy and asked, "Is your name Levi?"
Well, the boy was a little nervous because he had never seen such a magical creature and he didn't know for sure whether it was a safe animal or not, but not wanting to lie, he answered hesitantly, "Y-y-y-yes, my n-n-name is Levi."
And the magical creature shook his majestic mane and looked straight into Levi's eyes and said, "Levi, I have been sent to grant you three wishes. All that you have to do is ask, and your wish is my command. Now, young man, what do you desire?"
And Levi said, ....

and here the boys have to finish the story.

Stories are powerful, and by this time I've cuddled my boy into my lap and he's relaxed into my arms, hearing how cherished and loved he is, always, no matter what. Which is easier to accept in story form than it is being said straight out. And suddenly he's eager to tell me what his little heart most desires, in this moment or in this season. I've gotten the best answers out of these stories lately and some really great cuddle time. (Ha! I snuck it in!)

A few weeks ago Micah told me he wanted a big bike like his brothers, and a big truck to drive like Pappy's and (something else that I can't remember right now because I forget things quickly and I might be edging up on oldish).

The big boys got the story last night and so their answers are fresh.

Mason asked for
1. "A lot lot lot of money and a good relationship with God so I don't get greedy with it."
2. Being able to go to Rebounderz every day for as long as he wanted.
3. His own playhouse in the backyard. And then he described the playhouse to me and came alive in the telling. It will have golden walls and copper doors and crystal windows. There will be a hatch that opens on the roof leading to a 30 ft high slide straight into a swimming pool, so that you have to zoom really fast down the slide and make a huge splash. There will be 6 beds, one for every member of our family, edged in gold and full of the softest material. There will be a room made solely out of trampolines. And a refrigerator stocked with ice cream and doughnuts. Millie will have her own personal playroom with tunnels and hoops to jump through. And there will be a fish tank with 100 different kinds of fish, five of which will talk. Including the clown fish, "so that they can tell me jokes and I'll never be lonely."

Levi wished for
1. Hope
2. 100 more wishes
3. Joy

I love these moments with my boys and they have loved our Three Wishes story time :)


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