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Let Us Begin

Processing through this reading today from one of my Lent prayer books, Sacred Space . Read this and let's ponder together... "What you do now, today, in these next few minutes, matters more than I can tell you. It advances the universe two inches. If we are our best selves, there will come a world where children do not weep and war is a memory and violence is a joke no one tells, having forgotten the words. You and I know this is possible. It is what He said could happen if we loved well. He did not mean loving only the people you know. He meant every idiot and liar and thief and blowhard and even your cousin. I do not know how that could be so, but I know it is so. So do you. Let us begin again, you and me, this afternoon. Ready?" -Brian Doyle, The Thorny Grace of It Now, I love this and immediately sent it to Joe at work. His response: " What's a blowhard?" Lolll. ( Apparently a blowhard is ' a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant w...

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